Worst Case Scenario Deluxe

Digitally remastered and expanded deluxe three disc-edition of the 1994 debut album, including bonus tracks and a bonus CD.
Disc One features the original album, which still sounds fresh and invigorating 15 years after it’s original release.
Disc Two includes their very first single ‘Zea’, all the b-sides from their singles in ’94-’95, a cover of a Boudewijn de Groot original and two previously unreleased live tracks and two early demo recordings.
Disc Three (DVD) contains live footage, the hour-long Time Is the State of My Jeans documentary and extra features. Original dEUS guitarist and painter Rudy Trouvé re-worked the original art and layout into a very cool new package, including a booklet with a bunch of nice, previously unreleased band pictures.

Format | Label | Catalogue | Year | Notes | |
<a href=http://www.discogs.com/release/2147129-dEUS-Worst-Case-Scenario>CD</a> | Island Records | <a href=http://www.discogs.com/release/2147129-dEUS-Worst-Case-Scenario>5321630</a> | 2009 | Album,Reissue,Remastered | <a href=http://www.discogs.com/release/2147129-dEUS-Worst-Case-Scenario><img border=0 width=80 src=https://i.discogs.com/8ZCUmEaqI9FUWk7XcRk1UnAHIE4W5HDrftgASigt4iQ/rs:fit/g:sm/q:40/h:150/w:150/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTIxNDcx/MjktMTM2ODgyMjc5/NS05NDMwLmpwZWc.jpeg></a> |