
Mauro about Keep You Close and dEUS

Jean-Yves translated an interview with Mauro by Dutch website Written in Music.  You can read the entire translation on the dEUS-fanforum Nothing Really Ends.  A short snippet about Mauro’s contribution to dEUS.

Tom’s the leader, and we’re all absolutely comfortable wit that. For this record however, he’s been harassing us to come up with new music. More than ever, we’ve been looking for songs and melodies as a group. We’d say, come on Tom, please come up with good songs, we enjoy playing them, but he really wanted this one to be a proper band record. My contributions are subtle, refined. I’m originally not a rock musician, I’m always after sounds that would scare away other indie rock bands. You can hear that in the chord patterns, for instance. On the title track, it’s almost bossanova. Or the colourful chors on Constant Now…. Those are examples of my overall contribution. The arrangement on that song comes from Klaas by the way. Beautiful!

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